Self Moderation Report
Self Moderation is when our system at asks your Subscriber to approve a message they sent to your Mailing List.
Why would our system ask for approval?
- Our system thinks the message looks like spam or a virus.
- Your Subscriber sent a message from an IP address outside the permissible IPs, as defined by their ISP.
- The message looked like a Trivial Reply and would not add to the ongoing conversation.
What your Subscriber Receives
If your Subscriber replies to the self moderation email sent by, then their original message is released to the Mailing List.
Subject: Please reply to release your mailing list message (no. 15689911618715s)
To: "Sally Subscriber" <[email protected]>
Oops, your message has failed the SPF email anti-spoofing standard.
This is typically caused by incorrect configurations of your ISP.
The mailing list system decided to hold your message, and ask you to confirm.
If this message is legitimate, please reply, and we will release it.
Below is a copy of your email sent to the mailing list system.
How to View the Report
Use the Web Interface
Log into your mail-list account at
- Click Get Reports.
- Click Self Moderation Report.
- Click View Report.