Audit Trail History for a Subscriber.
The Subscriber Audit Trail shows a history of activity for a particular Subscriber.
The report shows when a Subscriber joined your List, when they unsubscribed or bounced off your List, as well as when they sent a message.
This report is sent in email and shows all interactions between your Subscriber and
One version for Subscribers, One version for List Moderators
For Subscribers
Share this link with your Subscriber. They can request their own Audit Trail report, sent directly to them via email.
For List Moderators
Use this link if you are a List Moderator requesting the Audit Trail. Note the slight difference in the address. This report is sent to all List Moderators.
How to request for multiple email addresses
For the Subscriber version, each email address will receive only their report via email.
For the List Moderator version, all List Moderators will receive one email with the Audit Trail for all addresses.
Subscriber Request

List Moderator Request

Example Report sent via email