Access your account and change settings for the List.
Log into your account by following these instructions.
Use the Web Interface
Log into your mail-list account at
- Click Log in Existing List.
- Enter your List Name and Password.
- Click Log in button.
- Click Customize Your List.
NOTE: To add, remove or troubleshoot List subscriber, click Manage Subscribers or Get Reports.
Customize Your List options
A new window opens to display several categories to control your List settings.
- Make changes by clicking the Category Name or the gray bar.
- Each category has various options within it. Click to view available options.
Save Your Changes
After making required changes, click one of the two buttons as explained below:

Changes are Immediate
After clicking Save, changes are immediately saved to the database. The menu will now display the updated value.

Email confirmation
An email is sent to you advising the changes have been migrated into production.