Allow Subscribers to block an Author
This option allows your Subscribers to stop future emails from a particular author for a 90-day period.
When this option is turned on, emails will have an extra link at the bottom. Subscribers can click the link and confirm to start the temporary block. After 90 days, messages from the blocked author will start appearing again for that Subscriber.
Use the Web Interface to Change Settings
Log into your mail-list account at
- Click Customize Your List.
- Click Posting Messages to List.
- Scroll to bottom of menu.
- Click Subscriber can put an Author.........
- Click Yes.
- Click Save.

Optional - Change Link Wording
- Go to Posting Messages to List menu.
- Click Words Shown Above Click To Stop Author.
- Enter new wording - limited to 80 characters.
- Click Save.

What Your Subscriber Sees
A link is added to the bottom of every email.
NOTE: The author of the message will not see this link on messages they send.
Confirm Block
- After clicking the link, this question window appears.
- Click Yes, Block their messages.... button.

Block Confirmation

Your Subscriber will not receive any messages from that specific author for the next 90 days.
No Reporting or Reverse Options
There are no reporting options to see who is blocking what thread or author.
Anyone that clicks a Block Author or Block Thread link is presented with a web page that asks if "they are sure". Once the button is clicked to proceed, the action is irreversible.
Your Subscriber can use either your Searchable Web Archive or our short-term web archive to view any messages they might be missing.
Subscriber Documentation
To help explain this option to Subscribers, share this web page with them: