Why the Subscriber is asked to approve their messages because the system thinks it's spam.
Your Mail-List.com account has the option for Subscribers to self moderate emails that appear to be spam. This option can help prevent spam being sent to your Mailing List.
If you are using this feature and a Subscriber is consistently asked to approve their messages, here are some tips to help.
What Happens
The Self Moderate option will return emails that look like spam to the sender for their approval.
Email Example
Subject: reply to release your mail (spammod14443441899711)

What Can You Do?
Make sure messages from Subscribers do not "look" like spam to our servers.
Step One
Ask your Subscribers to only send email to your listserv / Mailing List address. Do NOT send list emails to other addresses in the To: or CC: lines. Extra addresses causes our servers to categorize the email as potential spam.


Step Two
Make sure the message has content and not just a link. The message should also not be short.
Spam filters often stop very short emails or those containing only a link. They are frequently spam.