Subscribers: Manage for multiple Lists.
You can add, change or delete a Subscriber for some or all of your Lists with just one command.
Use the Web Interface
Log into your mail-list account at
- Click Manager Subscribers.
Choose one of the options in the Manage Subscribers menu.
As an example, we will add 2 new Subscribers to multiple Lists in the steps below.
From the above menu, Add or Remove Subscribers was clicked.
- Add the Subscriber's email address.
- Choose an action.

- Choose an email address to receive a confirmation.
- Once an email is selected, an option appears to choose other Mailing Lists.
- Click the triangle next to Also Apply To These Lists.

- Choose any additional Lists.
- Click the Blue button to perform the action.
This Subscriber change will be applied to all Lists selected.

Only the Mailing Lists where you are the List Owner/Moderator will be shown.