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Member List: Compare your membership database to the Mailing List. (email address only)

If your membership database is out of sync with who is on your Mailing List, this procedure will show the differences.

Reconcile your spreadsheet of members to our Mailing List via two options:

  1. Compare email addresses only (use the instructions below).
  2. Compare multiple email addresses for the same user, and/or use other identity data (Membership ID, Name, etc.) Follow these instructions for that option.

The option described below can be used to both compare records and make permanent changes.

Use the Web Interface for this Comparison

Log into your mail-list account at https://database.mail-list.com.

  • Click Manage Subscribers.
  • Click Your Mailing List vs Your Membership Database (Email Addresses Only).
  • Paste your list of current addresses in Enter Subscribers section.
    • OPTION: Upload a file instead. Use the Choose File button.
  • Select Compare Current List...
  • Choose an email address to send the results. 
  • Click button Current List vs Your Spreadsheet.

Reports will be sent to the email address chosen.


When pasting data into the above window, the format must be as shown below.

Email address only
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


  • The spreadsheet must have one column containing your member's email address.


Use Compare Current List to review the desired changes.

Use Replace Current List to make the changes permanent.

Report Details

The report will list Subscriber email addresses that matched your spreadsheet.

The report will also show email addresses on your List but not shown in your membership database.

The report includes an audit trail of when members joined, unsubscribed, changed their email address, switched to Digest, etc.

Example Email Report

An email report will be sent showing the difference between your membership database and the Mailing List. This report shows:

  • How many Subscribers on your List.
  • How many Subscribers receiving the Digest.
  • How many Subscribers on vacation.
You will receive an email report back, showing you the difference between your current roster, and who is on your list, on your digest, and on vacation.

Your Mailing List was not updated, only summarized. The report above indicates what would have changed if Replace Current List option had been chosen.

Example Email indicating Address Differences

When using the Compare Current List option, this email report indicates the actual email addresses that will change if the Replace Current List option is chosen.

If any email addresses in your spreadsheet are not found on your Mailing Lists, they will be added to your regular List when choosing Replace Current List.

In addition, you will receive a detailed report showing you the differences